Ten Mile River: Camp Keowa
Camp Keowa is one of the three Boy Scout Summer Camps at Ten Mile River Scout Camps. At Camp Keowa Scouts can earn Merit Badges and participate in activities like archery, boating, and rifle shooting. Troop 349 goes to Camp Keowa during week four of summer camp. Camp Keowa is located in Bethel, NY 12720. At Camp Keowa, Troop 349's campsite is Site 13 and they sleep on cots on top of a platform in a green waterproof tent.
In 2014, Eagle Scout Ethan Ngai built and made a 3 1/2 foot plaque for Troop 349 in the shape of a clock in order to honor troop 349's motto, 349 Never On Time. On time. The plaque has on it the names of all the scouts that went to Camp Keowa that year along with the Scoutmasters. It currently hangs in the Keowa Dining Hall along with other Troop 349 plaques.
T349 2016 Staff Members: Samuel B. (CIT)
T349 2017 Staff Members: Samuel B. (Ecology) , Gabriel Y., Aryan B. (Scout Skills)
T349 2018 Staff Members: Samuel B. (Ecology) , Gabriel Y. (LEAF), Archit K. (Scout Skills) , Ulysses M. (CIT)
T349 2019 Staff Members: Samuel B. (Ecology Director), Gabriel Y. (Scout Skills Director), Archit K. (Scout Skills), Ulysses M. (Scout Skills), Daniel R. (Aquatics.), Ethan N. (Archery)