Hosting the 2018 Pathfinder Winteree/ Togoree- 1/31/19
Troop 349 will be hosting the Pathfinder District Winteree this year.
Eagle Project Coming Up On Sept 30 - 9/20/18
Message from Gabriel Yengle
Hi everyone, just letting everyone know that my Eagle project is happening on September 30th from 9 am to 2 pm. We will be removing invasive plant species around Strack Pond in Forest Park, as well as putting down mulch. Make sure to wear long sleeve shirts and pants. Here's the link to sign up:…/1FAIpQLSfTldehMVxo-JHlV…/viewform…
I hope you all can make it!
2018 TMR Camp Keowa Week 5 8/5/18 - 8/11/18
Troop 349 spent the week at Camp Keowa working to earn merit badges and participating in spirit programs. They also challenged the staff in Ultimate Frisbee and lost 0-7. Four members of Troop 349 worked at Camp Keowa: Gabriel Y, Sam B, Archit K, and Ulysses M. It was another memorable week for Troop 349!
Rocky Point Marsh Cleanup 5/7/18
Rocky Point Marsh cleanup was a success. Thank you Sam Bauer for coordinating this event and thank you all who attended and worked really hard cleaning the marsh! Four truck loads of trash later and the above picture is of the Troop working hard to get a an Osprey nest off the ground. Please make sure to log your service hours in your books! AOL Scouts that were present should make a note to log this troop event as soon as they receive their Scout Handbook. Nice job Scouts!
Seton Camping Trip 1/12/18
Friday arrival: Cracker Barrel & Let's open your books to see what needs to be signed off for your next rank! Scout - First Class. Senior Scouts - Scoutmaster review of your progress towards Eagle & Position of Responsibility Assignment. Map & Compass review for all, followed by PLC Hike Plan.
Saturday: AM Patrol Breakfast Cooking - Hiking Lunch Prep, Out the door before noon! Hike, hike, hike, hike... lost, lost, lost, trial found , hike hike hike. Thirsty & hungry scouts will prep, cook & eat as a patrol. Evening goal: Movie & Trivia Night (after cleanup).
Sunday: Quick Breakfast & Hot Drink. Troop Camping Overview. Morning Departure.
2017 National Scout Jamboree 7/28/17
Troop 349 as a part of National Scout Jamboree Troop 1123 in Bravo Basecamp at the Summit Bechtel Reserve at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree.
Court of Honor Next Week 6/29/17
Next week is also the last meeting of the 2016-2017 scouting year.
Camp NO-BE-BO-SCO Fire Tower Hike 3/9/17
Troop 349 hiked to the Fire Tower on March 4, 2017 for the first time in several years
Troop and Patrol Elections have been held. 3/2/16
All patrol leaders have been reelected and they have assigned assistant patrol leaders. A new scribe, quartermaster and troop guide have also been appointed.
Succesful Pathfinder District Winteree 2/7/17
The Annual Pathfinder District Winteree last weekend was a success We had a total of 21 scouts, 4 adults. and 3 patrols, the Honey Badgers, Thunder Chipmunks and the Flaming Falcons. The Honey Badgers tied 1st place overall in points with another patrol and won 1st place in the Sledge Race, 2nd in the Blindman's Knot and 2nd place in Archery. The Thunder Chipmunks won 2nd place in the Sledge Race. The Flaming Falcons won 3rd place in Archery, Memory Pitch, BB Gun Shooting, and the Rescue Mission.
Also thanks to the Adults, the flyswatter and maple syrup.
Pathfinder District Winteree 2/2/17
The Annual Pathfinder District Wintereee is this weekend, February 3-5. Dress warmly and be prepared! Remember to bring 2 pairs of shoes. Have Fun!
Ethan N's Eagle Scout Ceremony 10/20/16
Ethan had his Eagle Scout Ceremony on Thursday, October 20th where he officially recieved the rank of Eagle. State Senator Joseph Addabbo was present and gave a speech about Ethan. GNYC Executives Torey McCleskey and Joe Schlitz were also at the ceremony.
Northern Tier 8/14/16
Both Crews from Troop 349 have returned home after a week of portaging canoes and paddling in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota. Thanks to our interpeters, Nick and Blake. One crew managed to earn the 50 miler award.
Prepare For Keowa 2016 At Ten Mile River
Don't forget to have multiple copies of your medical forms
Scoutmaster Says to begin packing your equipment.
TMR Headquarters Address- 1481 Crystal Lake Road, Narrowsburg, NY 12764
Look for signs indicating Camp Keowa.
Keowa Main Office- 845-252-2027
How to Pack for TMR Camp Keowa Meeting this Thursday 6/9/16
New scouts will learn what they new to bring to TMR Camp Keowa to have a good experience
Samuel B.'s Eagle Project is Coming Up.
West Point Camporee was a Success!
15 Scouts went West Point Military Academy to participate in activities with 10,000 other scouts. They also played an Ultimate Frisbee game against another troop
Fire Department Visits to Talk about Fire Safety 3/10/16
Members of the FDNY came to educate scouts about fire safety and what to do when there is a fire.
Winteree Begins on Friday
The Troop is going shopping on Thursday at Stop & Shop
November 15th: Ethan N.'s Eagle Project
Everyone volunteering must wear Class A Uniform and sign up to volunteer. It is from 9:00-3:00
Next Friday is Ethan N.'s Fundraiser for His Eagle Project
Next Friday Oct 23rd there will be a dinner for scout families. It is 10$ per person if signed up before, $12 per person walk-in, $35 for family of 4. 8$ per person for family of 4+
The Link to Sign Up to Volunteer for Ethan N.'s Eagle Project:
G.W. Bridge to Alpine Hiking Trip
Court of Honor
Scouts receive their merit badges from summer camp. There was also a SPL investiture ceremony.
New SPL has Been Just Chosen
Former Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Ethan N. was just voted on Thursday as our new Senior Patrol Leader.
NOAC has Just Ended
2015 NOAC's theme, it Starts With Us. This NOAC is also the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow
Keowa 2015 is over
Troop 349 had a successful week at Keowa earning many merit badges.
Don't Forget to Bring Your Medicals to Keowa